Veterans of the Gov. Crapo Post No. 145, Grand Army of the Republic

Hall       Stephen     R.     PVT      A     2nd Iowa Cavalry             
Hamilton   John               CPT      E     23rd Michigan Infantry       
Hammer     Reuben             PVT      B     22nd Michigan Infantry       
Handy      Thomas             PVT      H     6th Massachussetts Infantry  
Harrell    Chauncy     R.     PVT      G     2nd Michigan Cavalry         
Harrison   Abram       C.     PVT      I     10th Michigan Infantry       
Hayes      Nathaniel   C.Jr   PVT      G     3rd Michigan Infantry        
Haynes     William     S.     PVT      B     136th New York Infantry      
Haynes     Sylvester          PVT      C     10th Michigan Infantry       
Hedden     Luther      C.     PVT      I     9th Michigan Infantry        
Hedglen    Seely       S.     PVT      C     10th Michigan Infantry       
Hedglen    Edmond      E.     PVT      C     10th Michigan Infantry       
Hedglen    E.          E.     PVT      C     12th Michigan Infantry       
Hellener   Henry              PVT      G     10th Michigan Infantry       
Hempstead  J.                                                             
Hennes     Edward E.          SGT      A     4th United States Infantry
Henry      Lewis       M.     PVT      D     1st Wisconsin Heavy Artillery 
Herrick    William     S.     PVT      H     4th Michigan Cavalry         
Hill       Israel             PVT      K     23rd Michigan Infantry       
Hill       John               PVT      K     8th Michigan Infantry        
Hills      Frank              PVT      H     10th New York Artillery      
Hilton     William     V.     PVT      G     30th Michigan Infantry       
Hobart     Joseph             PVT      B     112th New York Infantry      
Hobartt    Joseph                                                         
Hodges     H.          A.     PVT      E     47th Wisconsin Infantry      
Hoffman    Conrad             PVT      K     23rd Michigan Infantry       
Hollingsworth John            PVT      I     24th Michigan Infantry       
Holly      James       E.     PVT      G     57th Pennsylvania Infantry   
Horn       James       E.     SGT      K     23rd Michigan Infantry       
Horton     Elliott     J.     PVT      H.    29th Michigan Infantry       
Horton     Myron              PVT            29th Michigan Infantry       
Howard     Sumner             1LT            17th U.S. Infantry           
Howard     Samuel             PVT      K     8th New York Artillery       
Huff       Charles     E.     PVT      D     6th Michigan Cavalry         
Hughes     R.          H.     SGT      K     23rd Michigan Infantry       
Hughes     Seth        L.     PVT      D     1st Michigan Engineers & Mechanics 
Hunter     Mathew      E.     SGT      B     2nd Michigan Infantry        
Hunting    George      F.     1LT            3rd U.S. Cavalry             
Ingalls    Ira                PVT      G     8th Michigan Infantry        
Jacobs     John               PVT      K     1st Michigan Engineers & Mechanics 
Jerome     Samuel      C.     PVT      H     1st Ohio Light Artillery     
Johnson    S.          C.     PVT      F     1st Michigan Engineers & Mechanics 
Johnson    Edward      W.     1SGT     E     7th Michigan Infantry        
Johnson    Oscar              PVT            3rd U.S. Artillery           
Johnson    William     D.     PVT      K     30th Michigan Infantry       
Johnson    James       M.     PVT      L     24th New York Cavalry        
Johnson    Walter             PVT      G     27th Michigan Infantry       
Johnson    Adelbert           PVT      H     184th New York Infantry      
Johnson    Norman             PVT      A     1st Michigan Infantry        
Jones      John        R.     CPL      G     3rd Michigan Infantry        
Kelly      Edward      W.                                                 
Ladd       Ira                PVT      F     5th New York Artillery       
Lalcok     John               PVT      A     1st U.S. Cavalry             
Lamb       Elijah      H.     PVT      M     1st Michigan Light Artillery 
Lawberk    Oscar              PVT      E     1st Michigan Cavalry         
Lea        William     W.     PVT      M     12th New York Infantry       
Leland     James       H.     SGT      K     1st Michigan Cavalry         
Lennon     Peter              CPT      D     5th Michigan Infantry        
Lewis      George      F.     PVT      C     23rd Michigan Infantry       
Lilley     Robert      G.     PVT      B     5th Michigan Cavalry         
Lindsley   John               PVT      C     8th New York Cavalry         
Lochhead   Oscar       F.     1LT      E     2nd Michigan Infantry        
Long       Charles     D.     PVT      A     8th Michigan Infantry        
Long       Charles     H.     Musician D     29th Michigan Infantry       
Loop       H.          J.     PVT      F     115th Infantry               
Lopes      John               PVT      C     90th New York Infantry       
Lyon       McCormick          Musician       2nd Michigan Cavalry         
Lyons      James              PVT      B     29th Michigan Infantry