Veterans of the Gov. Crapo Post No. 145, Grand Army of the Republic

Raab       George             PVT      F     4th Michigan Cavalry                                                       
Ramelno    A.          F.     PVT      C     23rd Michigan Infantry       
Randall    Samuel      C.     1LT      K     23rd Michigan Infantry       
Randall    Edgar       A.     PVT      E     1st Michigan Infantry        
Raubinger  Charles            SGT      A     10th Michigan Infantry       
Raymax     Isaac                                                          
Raynof     Abram       H.     PVT      F     6th Michigan Heavy Artillery 
Rease      James              PVT      C     23rd Michigan Infantry       
Remington  Joseph             PVT      F     10th Michigan Infantry       
Rice       Hiram              PVT      K     4th Michigan Infantry        
Richardson William                                                        
Ricky      A.                                                             
Ripley     Warren      G.     SGT      K&H   2nd Michigan Infantry        
Ripley     Nelson      B.     PVT      H     10th Michigan Infantry       
Roberts    Edward      C.     PVT      G     8th New York Cavalry         
Robinson   J.          H.     PVT      D     7th New York Cavalry         
Robinson   Beldin             SGT      K     8th Michigan Infantry        
Rose       James       A.     PVT      C     23rd Michigan Infantry       
Ross       L.          A.                                                 
Ruby       Amsden             PVT      B     22nd Michigan Infantry       
Rush       Joseph             CPL      A     160th New York Infantry      
Russell    G.          F.     PVT      F     13th Illinois Infantry       
Russell    Nicholas           Surgeon  I     8th Michigan Cavalry         
Sadden     Charles     W.     CPL      A     8th Michigan Infantrry       
Sampson    Nathan             SGT      G     114th New York Infantry      
Sands      James       H.     PVT      H     16th Michigan Infantry       
Scanlon    Daniel             CPL      G     29th Michigan Infantry       
Seammis    William            CPL      D     8th Michigan Cavalry         
Seeport    Leonard     P.     PVT      A     8th Michigan Infantry        
Sheldon    John        H.     PVT      L     6th Michigan Cavalry         
Shultz     Caloni             PVT      C     93rd New York Infantry       
Sichels    James              PVT      B     19th U.S. Infantry           
Simpson    Charles            CAPT     B     11th Michigan Cavalry        
Skinner    Dolph       D.     PVT      A     10th U.S. Artillery          
Smart      M.                 LT       C     16th Michigan Infantry       
Smith      C.          H.     PVT      A     16th Iowa Infantry           
Smith      Samuel      P.     CPL      C     16th Michigan Infantry       
Smith      Phillip            PVT      G     100th Ohio Infantry          
Smythe     Matthew            PVT      K     23rd Michigan Infantry       
Stack      Peter              PVT      D     24th Michigan Infantry       
Stacy      R.          R.     PVT      F     4th Michigan Cavalry         
Stadler    Jacob              PVT      A     8th New York Heavy Artillery 
Staffeld   Charles     C.     PVT      C     9th Michigan Cavalry         
Stanard    T.          B.     PVT      E     1st Michigan Engineers & Mechanics 
Stanard    David              PVT      B     1st Michigan Engineers & Mechanics 
Stewart    Oliver             PVT      K     5th Michigan Cavalry         
Stockton   T.B.        W.     COL            16th Michigan Infantry       
Stout      Spitler     C.     SGT            6th Michigan Cavalry         
Sullivan   Enos               CPL      K     8th New York Cavalry         
Swagar     Daniel             Landsman       U.S. Navy                    
Taylor     Frank       A.     Fifer    D     8th Michigan Infantry        
Terbush    David              PVT      K     76th New York Infantry       
Thomas     O.          S.     PVT      H     1st Michigan Cavalry         
Thomas     Ambrose            PVT      K     23rd Michigan Infantry       
Thompson   Almont             Surgeon        12th Michigan Infantry       
Tibbetts   W.                 PVT      A     147th New York Infantry      
Todd       Hansford    E.     PVT      A     8th Michigan Infantry        
Todd       W.          L.     Blksmith D     10th Michigan Cavalry        
Tracy      William            1LT      K     8th Michigan Infantry        
Tuffer     M.          C.     PVT      B     1st Michigan Engineers & Mechanics 
Tupper     Ganwood     S.     PVT      C     16th Michigan Infantry       
Tupper     Theo               PVT      C     23rd Michigan Infantry       
Turner     William                                                        
Turner     George      H.     1LT      A     8th Michigan Infantry        
Ulman      C.          D.     1LT      D     1st Maine Cavalry